:: Disclaimer: Don't agree with what I say? Leave a shout out. ;)
And yes, I know I'm mean. It's ok to bitch, it's my blog. :P ::
Ok, so just a random rant.
Whenever I switch on the telly, I personally feel that it is SO inconsiderate to have to look at ugly people.
I mean, if its a reality show, or like, the news, I could forgive them.
Because well, their target audience prolly won't care so much and they're not on for long anyways. Blink and you'll miss the ugly people on the news.
But if you're hosting a TV show or at least know that you're going to appear on TV, where people will have to look at you for at least 2 minutes....
Honestly speaking, good looking people are a dime a dozen. It's not difficult to look good.
At least, nowadays, we have plastic surgery and make up, even the most hideous person on earth can look ok. Especially where the surgery is concerned.
And if we're going to look at the person on TV, I personally consider a basic duty of TV personalities to look halfway passable and not make you wanna puke your guts out every time you look at them.
It's not right to have to look at ugly shitfaces on telly when there are busloads of better looking people out there. They could at least try to get some surgery done..
The only exception I make is for the plastic surgery shows.. like Extreme Makeover or something like that. Because you need the ugly people to provide comparison to how good they look afterwards. But usually they're fugly before AND after.
Which brings me to my next point. TV personalities should NOT have to be even compared to the word 'fugly'. Yet that is what comes to mind.
Please view Exhibit A: Joey Fatone of Nsync.
OK this is what I mean by fugly shitass TV personalities. And innocent 13 year olds have to hang posters up of this guy and ruin their lives staring at this fat ass.
Not being mean, or whatever, but I've always read his name as 'FAT ONE', instead of like, fuh-tone-ney. Baloney, that's what he eats. He needs lipo. And I dunno, a damn LOT of surgery in order to fix his face.
And you know, I might even be prepared to forgive his face if he had an ounce of talent, but let's face it, fat one has no talent. He can't sing, and he defo can't dance.
I have no idea what he's doing in Nsync. Filler, perhaps. But even then, if you were going to find some filler, you would at least find some better looking ones right?
Or you might argue that maybe he's a nice guy. But hey. There are literally millions of nice guys ( wouldn't know, I've never met one. ;) ) out there, who are a lot better looking than him.
And this is what really gets me. Why would anyone choose him as filler?
*sigh* I don't understand this world sometimes.
There's surgery, people. And if you're poor or morally aginst it, there is ALWAYS make up.
Honestly, even legally speaking, the law states in duty of care, that TV personalities have a duty of care not to make their audiences's eyes bleed nor invoke the urge to hurl when they appear on TV.
Sheesh. And just to justify my rants, I have to say that I do know how to look at people who have tried to look good. And I have to say, Fat one can't pass. Maybe some people like fat guys, but Joey fat one would really look better with muscles (instead of lipids), and a nose job. Maybe a chin job as well. And defo some carriage (how to dress) lessons. See? I know how to look.
Ok, rant over.
Just to make myself happy and for the people who agree with me, or disagree, whatever.
Here's Miyavi. HOT GUY and there's a hot chick as well, in Miyavi's PV 'Freedom Fighter'.
My brother agrees that she's a babe. And MYV is defo not demonic, ok?
Miyavi-sama.. watashiwa suki des ne!
i *heart* Miyavi.
Exhibit B: Hot guy.. MYV. Enjoy!
Just for interest's sake.. how many people out there think she's hot?