Saturday, October 01, 2005

I am so fucking pissed!!!

:: Disclaimer: I am angry. I will say fuck very many times. You're warned. I may not make any sense. I don't make sense when I'm angry - who does?
Read on if you want, but like it or lump it.::

I'm SO FUCKING pissed.

I feel like screaming "FUUUUUUUCK!!!!" and doing a series of aggressive gymnastics.

Why, just WHY do I always get fucked? (i.e.: fly aeroplane / 'tua' / let down)

It is not my FUCKING FAULT that I take my brothers out for lunch on Sundays because my parents are too FUCKING busy to.

It is not my FUCKING FAULT that my brother went out to his friend's house without telling me and therefore screwing up ALL plans for lunch (because we send him to tuition class at the same time).

It is definitely NOT my FUCKING FAULT that my mum wants to screw us out of lunch by getting angry at ME and telling me to leave her alone when I have invited her to lunch because "H cannot make it lah".

I hate this, I really do.

I plan for things ahead of time so that screw ups like this don't happen. I have already planned where and what to eat, and all the logistics ahead of time.

Fine so things got screwed. I am cool with that.

But don't FUCKING lose your temper with me when I'm the one who's FUCKING doing you SHITE 'rents a favour.

Bloody ASSHOLES! This is looking like a pissy day for me.

I don't like people who screw up my timing or my plans.

I hate people that won't call me first to let me know. It's common courtesy. It's FECKING politeness.

I hate it that my plans have gone to ruin over something as trivial as this and I KNOW that its trivial and I hate that I get so angry over it.

I hate being wronged when i'm doing favours and all i get in return is GODDAMN ABUSE.

What do I look like, do I have fucking NAIVETE stamped on my forehead?

Do I look like someone you can piss on and then trample all over while you walk away?


I'm not standing this shit any longer. FUCK courtesy and politeness to people who don't deserve it.

I should go back to perth, where society strictures are something I can understand and deal with. But basic courtesies, MANNERS are something that seem to be so lacking in Singaporean culture and I don't understand by people are SO DAMN brash these days.

I like to think that I have good manners and am a courteous, even polite person. I'd like to think that I have a healthy respect for others and I treat others how I like to be treated, even though I am distant (that's just how I am).

Is it so wrong to expect the same things out of others?

I'm Singaporean, but it's a damn SHAME to me that others can't possess simple civilities.

get some FUCKING MANNERS before you talk to me again bitch.


At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous say What?

Corporate Blogging On the Nigh
Well, that's cause many people got into blogging for the wrong reasons. They got in cause it was hot PR wise.
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At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous say What?



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